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Lost Skills: Cooking

2022/08/24 Danielle 0

I know. It’s a weird thing to list as a “lost” skill, right? But hear me out. A lot of people don’t really cook anymore. They never learned, or they don’t have time, or they think it’s hard (it’s really not). The rise of convenience foods and cheap (relatively) fast food have combined with the increased and increasing need for families ot have two – or possibly more – full time income-earners to make ends meet. It’s not a good thing. It probably showcases a lot of what is wrong with our capitalist society and economy, and we don’t even […]

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Planting and planning

2022/08/15 Danielle 0

It’s been a busy few months. I know that this time of year always feels very hopeful, and by the middle of summer the heatwaves of desperation have set in, trying to keep everything alive.. but I do think it is getting better each year. Easier, maybe. I mean, we have actual winter pasture this year. Not much, yet, but the clover is properly established, and we’ve put out a pasture mix this time around so we should have ryegrass and more clover by spring. We’ve also got almost all of the trees in that are in the plan. Four […]